
Contemporary Issues Related To The Current Business Environment

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A contemporary issue is a type of idea, event, or topic that is related to the present day and could be found in any matter of interest to individuals. To execute all the operations systematically, it is very important for business entities to pay attention, as the functionality of operational activities may be influenced. This report is based upon a cover story of Harvard Business Review. The name of it is "Fixing the Internet". The whole story is based upon a question, which is "How did the internet get so broken?". It was asked by a journalist of Atlantic (an American magazine and multi-platform publisher) Derek Thompson in the third season of Crazy or Genius. It was related to the problems that are related to the internet and the way in which it is affecting current business scenarios. One thing which was the main attractive point of this show was a question which was asked by many people. It was related to trying to turn off the internet for a week just to see what will happen due to this in the period of seven days when individuals will not be able to access it. For the purpose of analysing the ill effects of the internet, current books such as Coders were also examined by a journalist, Clive Thompson (The cover story of Fixing the Internet, 2019). Another book named Tools and Weapons is also read by President of Microsoft Brad Smith and Carol Ann Browne. The story also facilitates the readers to analyse that the internet provides more benefits as compared to the harm that could be caused by it. It provides the information that half of the world's population has taken access to it in 25 years, but the rest of the population will get access to it in three to five years due to the higher level of urgency. In this story, Smith's views are also covered. The lines written by him are that the technology industry cannot address all the challenges by itself; the world is required to mix it with governmental action. It will be beneficial to deal with all the problems that are taking place due to the internet, as legal implications will bound it to be used under specific legislation. The whole story concludes that if the internet is required to be improved, then all individuals around the world must fight against the tendency that makes them ignore its potential, which is tremendous (Awin et al., 2019).

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The theme of "Fixing the Internet" is a big contemporary issue because in the current era, most of the population around the world is using it, and they get aware of social as well as political situations with the help of it by being updated on different websites such as Facebook. According to Smith, who is President of Microsoft, legal authorities need to introduce policies so that the issues that are taking place due to the internet can be controlled. According to Thompson, technology has facilitated individuals to reduce their workload and reach their destination with the help of cabs as soon as possible. On the other hand, it has also led towards issues. For example, Uber is the best example of the latest technology used with the help of the internet; it has helped people to move from one place to another easily, but different cars have increased traffic for local riders. This cover story is selected for analysing the contemporary issues and the problems that are taking place due to them. It will be beneficial to assess whether the internet is resulting in benefits or drawbacks. For this purpose, different elements are covered in this project, which are the identification of key arguments on the issue, key actors and players with their roles and contributions to the problem, and social arrangements for it. Apart from this, a critical analysis of the issues that underpin the cover story and highlights with critiques on the possible implications of the global geopolitical economy are also covered in this project (Barrantes Caceres and Cozzubo Chaparro, 2019).


Identification And Delineation Of The Key Arguments Or Debates On The Issues Which Are Related To The Cover Story

The cover story of Fixing the Internet is based upon a major fact, which is that if the Internet is turned off, then what circumstances may take place or what benefits could be acquired by taking this step? It will be very difficult for individuals to live their lives in the way they enjoy it if the internet goes off because it will cause them to gather information about social factors and share their social life with others for which they use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Apart from this, if the internet is turned off, then different latest technologies which are used by people around the world will also be stopped for use. One of the major examples of this is Uber Cabs and Eats. If individuals don't get access to the Internet, then they will not be able to book cabs for the place where they are willing to go. Due to this, people will also fail to order their food online because, for the purpose of running all the applications from which eatables could be ordered, the internet is required (Ben-Daya, Hassini and Bahroun, 2019). All these facts were discussed in the story by different people. Some of the key arguments that are related to this theme are as follows:

  • Coders are running the world. According to Thompson, in earlier years America was run by lawyers, but with the passage of time the trends changed and now coders are ruling the world as they find new and innovative ways to perform daily life's activities. If the internet is stopped, then it will affect the routine of the citizens. They will not be able to get connected with the social world and get access to the social media giants such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. All of them have played a major role in the making of the internet, as with their help, individuals got the opportunity to become connected with people living in different corners of the world.
  • The internet which is received is not that which was promised. According to Ramesh Srinivasan, who is a media studies professor at Beyond the Valley, the promised internet was a platform which acts as a global village which supports or leads to equality around the world. The internet, which is received, is not like that and the promised one is not yet received. It was the main critique that affected the story because Srinivasan thinks that stopping the internet will be good as it is not the right platform, which may support equality but it is leading the world towards a wrong mentality (Chatfield and Reddick, 2019).
  • Increased issues due to the latest technology: Thompson said that there are various new types of technologies which are leading the world towards a higher economy but due to all of them, different problems are also faced by individuals around the world. Uber is one of the major innovations, which facilitates the transportation of people from one place to another. If the internet is stopped, then they will not have any source to book cabs and go from one place to another. Thompson criticised this fact and said that due to Uber, the traffic in the streets is increased for riders and it has created issues for them to reach on time to their destination. One more fact which was shared by Ramesh Srinivasan was that the efficiency on the consumer platform can disturb the sense of privacy and security because the advertisements are incredibly efficient but they could also be creepy.

All the above-described key arguments show that different individuals have shared their views on the use of the Internet and the impacts it has on society. If the internet is turned off for a week, then it will affect the daily lives of individuals, but on the other hand, it will facilitate various individuals who are facing problems due to this (Evsyutin, Kokurina, and Mescheriakov, 2019).

Key Actors Or Players And Their Role In Contribution

From the article, it has been analysed that various key actors in the cover story have contributed to gathering information about the internet and its positive as well as negative influences. description of all of them with their role and contribution is as follows:

  • Derek Thompson: This person is a journalist for Atlantic News and hosts a show named Crazy/ Genesis. The show was mainly based upon a question, which is How did the internet get so broken? He asked in the show that if the internet is turned off for a week, then what will be the results? People will be able to live their lives normally or not. The major role, which was played by Derek Thompson, was enhancing knowledge about the usage of the internet and its importance for daily life. He made a contribution to the analysis of the problems which are linked to the internet and affect the lives of individuals (Farhan and Kharel, 2019).
  • Clive Thompson: This person is a journalist who has examined current books such as Coders for the purpose of analysing the ill effects of the internet. The major role which was played by Clive was analysing the profile programmers at different social media giants such as Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook. He has contributed to clearing the role of coders who are running the world by facilitating individuals to get different technologies, which can provide them with ease to perform daily activities.
  • Brad Smith is the president of Microsoft and examined a book named Tools and Weapons to determine the negative impacts of the internet affecting society. He played a major role in analysing the way in which all the challenges that are taking place in the technology sector could be resolved. Smith suggested that the world needs a mixture of the tech sector's regulations and legal implications to fight against all these unfavourable events. The contribution of Brad Smith in finding a way to deal with internet-related challenges was tremendous, as he suggested that legal authorities should also implement rules for using it in an ethical manner (Hargittai, Piper, and Morris, 2019).
  • Ramesh Srinivasan: This key actor is a media studies professional in Beyond the Valley who extends the critique to include the geographic caveat. He said that white, Chinese, and Western males dominate and control the content, which may provide power to the internet, rather than the individuals who are reflecting full diversity online. A vital role is played by Srinivasan to analyse the difference between the world with the internet, which was promised and which is received. The contribution that was made by Ramesh in identifying such big companies, that are branded as virtuous, public, and civic, but these are mainly dominated by increasing profitability and economic value, was great.
  • Mary Grey and Siddharth Suri: These two individuals are anthropologists in Ghost Work who have explored the lives of persons who are using crowdsourcing to carry out important microtasks. The main example that was assessed by them for the same purpose was Amazon Turk. A major role in analysing the work which is done online gets paid or not. According to them, some of the work gets proper compensation, but most of it is invisible and poorly compensated and also takes sometimes destructive human toll. They have contributed to the analysis of the online activities that are getting paid and which are not receiving the proper amount (Hou, Qu, and Shi, 2019).
  • Jim Cashel: This person is a technologist who wrote in The Great Connecting that the internet was developed in 1993 and it almost took 25 years to take people online. After this, only half of the population is using it and the rest of the individuals may take 3 to 5 years to be online as it is growing massively. The major role which was played by Jim was to deliver the difference between the earlier-aged individuals and modern-age people who are using the internet faster. He contributed to the understanding that the internet is important or not and the importance of digital technology, which is facilitating individuals to come online.

The Social Structure And Structural Arrangements That Underpin The Issues

Social structure or structural arrangements, is how individuals in society interact with each other. The cover story is based upon fixing the internet and there are various issues which are underpinning the story. All of them are as follows:

  • Security and privacy: It is one of the major issues underpinning the cover story because using the internet is not safe and most individuals face different social issues related to it. For example, social media is the main platform which is facilitating the internet's grow, as most people around the world are using it (Joshi and Gupta, 2019). They are dealing with privacy as well as security-related issues because of cyber crimes such as hacking. Due to this, their personal information gets leaked and they face problems.
  • Cloud attacks: Cloud networks are used by large business entities to keep large amounts of data for the purpose of keeping it safe. Cybercrime at the global level is continuously increasing, which is resulting in cloud attacks in which confidential information of business entities is accessed by external parties and used in an unethical manner. Due to this, different problems with the Internet are taking place and affecting individuals as well as business entities (Issues related to the Internet, 2019).

All the above-discussed issues are underpinning the internet-related issues which are discovered in the cover story. To find solutions for all of them, it will be very important for individuals as well as organisations to make sure that all the aspects that are resulting in issues are analysed properly.


Critical Analysis Of The Issues Underpinning The Cover Story Using Insights From Institutional Theory And Other Theoretical Perspectives Or Themes

The topic for the cover story is Fixing the Internet and there are various types of issues which are underpinning the cover story. The major problems are related to privacy, security, and cloud attacks, and all of them are leading towards the challenges that are taking place due to the internet. To analyse them in a critical manner, the institutional theory could be used. It is described below with different elements of it:

Institutional theory: This theory is mainly used for the purpose of conducting resilient and deeper research about different aspects that are related to social structure. While using it, individuals are required to pay attention to different processes, which can help to establish structure, rules, norms, routines, and schemes as well as set guidelines for social behaviour. In order to analyse the issues that are underpinning the cover story in a critical manner, this theory will be used (Institutional Theory, 2019). All the elements of it in the context of the problem are discussed below:

  • Cultural cognitive: This component demonstrates the tendency of people shown by them to conform to their beliefs in the context of disputes. With its help, privacy-related issues could be critically analysed. Most of the individuals around the world are using social media websites and keeping their private information there (Samar and Mazuri, 2019). Due to the increased use of the internet, privacy threats are increasing massively, and the private data of individuals gets hacked by hackers. In order to deal with it, individuals are required to analyse the difference between ethical and unethical activities, which could be assessed by following a specific culture (Mathews, 2019).
  • Normative: This aspect of the institutional theory is related to the evaluative standard, which should be kept by individuals and the companies providing services used with the help of the internet. This element can help to assess the problem of security that may take place due to the use of the internet. The level of security on the internet is very low, due to which most companies have to deal with the challenges of leaking confidential information. This element states that to respond to this problem, the internet service providers should set an evaluative standard for its usage so that all the challenges that underpin the cover story can be addressed properly (Pratt, Flannery, and Perkins, 2019). 
  • Regulative: This component of the theory is based upon setting rules, regulations, and principles so that the possibility of problems affecting individuals and companies could be reduced. It will be beneficial for analysing the problem of cloud attacks in a critical manner. Due to this problem, large business entities are facing challenges in which the data that is stored on their private cloud is hacked by individuals or companies that are planning to use the information adversely. By focusing on this element of institutional theory, the problem could be resolved properly. It will help to establish new rules and regulations in which the users of the internet will be bound to follow specific principles to use or access it. It can help to respond to the problem underpinning the cover story (Rath and Pattanayak, 2019).
    To analyse all the issues underpinning the cover story, all the above-described elements of institutional theory could be analysed, as it helps to determine how all of them could be responded to

Highlight And Critique The Possible Implications On The Global Geopolitical Economy, National Sociopolitical Economy, Or Business Organisations.

Geopolitical economy: It is mainly macroeconomic analysis & reasoning that takes into account geopolitical forces and factors. Through different resources, they shape the political procedure and foreign policies. In the geopolitical economy, the internet is in a wide manner, so it impacts negatively. At present all the information is on the net about foreign policy, so according to that, investors invest the amount in other countries, but many times people post wrong information on the internet that impacts the mentality of investors and they are not investing the amount. Many people spread rumours about a particular country on the internet that present negative impacts at the global level for international trading (Stuckey and Ellis, 2019). On social sites, people update personal information that is hacked by the other political economy, so for this, the government and technology companies can work together and ensure security and take it as a priority. For the different policies that are used by the government for import and export, keep confidential, use good systems which are not easily hacked by the people and keep safe all the information. 

National social political economy: It is a social science that researches manufacturing, trade, and their relationship with the law and government. Creating good relations between one nation and another nation requires communication, which is possible through the Internet. But many times people hack this information and use it for the wrong work. As a result, it impacts the relationship of both governments, and due to leaky information, it impacts social activities. These details require being kept confidential to maintain good relations. Through the internet, people spread fake information on social sites about the political economy that presented an impact in a negative manner, and other nations did not build relationships with particular countries. At present, most people use social sites and provide their opinions about political activity, which helps people to know about other country information (Viriyasitavat, Anuphaptrirong, and Hoonsopon, 2019).

Business: It is defined as a company or an enterprise that is linked with commercial, industrial, or professional activities. It is categorised as profit or not profit that is conducted to fulfil a charitable mission or further a social cause. The activities of any business are mainly affected by the internet, which shows a negative impact on the position and market image. Businesses and non-businesses face the problem of new competitors in the same industry because, through the internet, they conduct whole market research and know about their competitors and their business strategy. So according to that, they are developing effective strategies to attract customers. At present, all business conducts activities online, and security and confidentiality have become major concerns. Every year, millions of dollars are spent for the security purpose of keeping their data safe, but many hackers hack the cloud, leak all private information, and sell out their rivals. So as a result, companies spend more money on security and fear breaches of security like highly publicised theft of credit card data (Zhao, Li, and Yao, 2019).

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From the above project report, it has been concluded that contemporary issues are the set of challenges that are related to the current business environment and affect the lives of individuals as well as companies in a negative manner. To sustain itself in the market, it will be very important for companies to keep detailed information about them so that effective strategies can be formulated in advance to deal with them. This whole report was based upon an underpinning story of Harvard business review magazine's cover story of Fixing the Internet, written by Walter Frick. Currently, the internet is creating different issues for individuals as well as companies, and for all of them, it is very important to deal with all the challenges. It has facilitated people to stay connected with their friends and family who are staying in different corners of the world. It has also helped them to be updated about different facts and social events to enjoy their life. It was developed to build a global village that supports and builds equality around the world, but the internet that was received is not like the promised one; it does not provide equality or support it. According to one of the key actors, Ramesh Srinivasan of the story, Western, White, and Chinese males around the world dominate the content, which provides power to the internet, and the individuals who support diversity are not able to promote their content online. There are various types of issues that are resulting in the challenges related to the internet. These are privacy, security, and cloud attacks, and all of them are creating problems for the individuals and the companies that are using the internet. To analyse all of them critically and find solutions for all of them, institutional theory could be used. There are three main elements of it, which are cultural cognitive, normative, and regulative. By focusing on all of them, internet service providers can find the best suitable ways to respond to the challenges that are resulting in issues for the internet. All the problems are also affecting global geopolitics, the national socio-political economy, and businesses, as nowadays the internet is used by all the individuals around the world. To deal with the implications of unfavourable internet-related issues, legal authorities need to work together with the technology industry, as it can help to find effective ways to respond to them.

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